Angular Vs React JS

Madhu Sri Sushmitha Chowdary
4 min readMar 2, 2022


By the time I thought of working on web app, mobile app development I knew only the basics of html. So, I found some frameworks which can be implemented using HTML in spite of lot of frameworks available. If you are also at this level of learning, this article suits you to select the type of framework to start with, which makes your work easier and efficient.

Popular Web Development Frameworks

HTML is the language of the web, but creating entire websites with HTML alone can be repetitive and hard to manage. So let us see some of the frameworks which make our task simpler. Let us consider React and Angular for this article.

React JS

React is a powerful open-source JavaScript library, which lets us use a very similar syntax to HTML to build more organized interfaces, dynamic websites faster and build UI components in any app with frequently variable data.

But Event handling in HTML and React are different from one another in terms of syntax and some rules. Since React works on the concept of virtual DOM, which puts less load on the browser, and the HTML has access to the Real DOM all the time.


Angular is mostly used to build complex enterprise-grade apps like single-page apps and progressive web apps. Angular uses traditional DOM which updates the whole page when a single change. It uses TypeScript and is a fullfledged MVC framework.

It has a collection of well-integrated libraries and features such as client-server communication, routing, and more. Only initial loading takes time later it works smooth since the data is loaded on to the browser

Data binding is two way in angular ( Data binding is a technique, where the data stays in sync between the component and the view. Whenever the user updates the data in the view, Angular updates the component. When the component gets new data, the Angular updates the view.)

Angular performance was greatly increased with angular 2.0 version.

Selecting between Angular and React JS

Both Angular and React have their own mobile app development frameworks. Angular has ionic 2 and native script, whereas React has to React native. Out of all these, React native is the best framework for developing mobile apps in terms of both ease of development and product performance.

Angular Vs React JS

The primary requirements to select the framework is based on the Security, Scalability, Smooth functionality, Clean Code implementation.

React JS is just a JS Library whereas routing need to be implemented externally using React Route, Angular is the complete package that facilitates all-important functionalities as a built-in part. Angular implements parallel running of components which increases overall performance.

React JS’s virtual DOM implementation, server-side rendering optimizations, and enormous support from the developer community make it stand out. It is fast and scalable to change the data without reloading the page and used for handling the view layer of the application. Reusability of components can be one useful case in react. So, Reactjs proved to be a better means of writing clean code with the same time investment and quality production hours.

SEO can be implemented with ease in Reactjs with the help of some specific functions. Reactjs has made developers develop a code that works among the small modules without becoming redundant in practice. Like Netflix uses Reactjs library to improve the runtime performance, modularization, and increasing the startup speed.

Angular can be used where we don’t require additional integrations of plugins and setting up third-party integrations, these features carry a high level of security concerns along with smooth functionalities as primary requirements. Angular is known for its model-view-controller capability that augments the functionalities of browser-based applications by reducing the JS code needed to keep the application functional and robust.


Angular is a structural, full-fledged framework for building mobile and desktop web apps, while React is a JavaScript library for creating interactive and complex user interfaces like a simple webpage or a portfolio website.

Angular is more secure, since it does not allow third party integrations. If you are flexible with JavaScript it’s best to start with React JS. Based on the requirements of our project we have to select the type of frame work. Since, Both Angular and React JS go hand in hand and Each keeps updating continuously to keep up with one another.

Happy Learning 😀😀



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